Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Review

Last Updated on February 9, 2021

This is probably one of the better known models of tablet computers. As with other tablets that are not of the Apple flavour, this tablet has Adobe Flash capability and an Android 3.1 operating system, allowing access to over 200,000 Android apps. It is a stylish looking tablet, and light at 1.25 pounds and incredibly slim at only 0.34 inches.  This tablet is compatible with a variety of media sources and all the business programs you could possibly want, so is a truly flexible product.


The screen works in landscape and portrait mode, good for video viewing. The keyboard seemed slow for some uses, switch out from a Samsung keyboard to the Android keyboard, delays are removed. This is one of the first Android tablets to have Swype, the Swype Beta 3.0 is now available for Honeycomb, massively speeds up use, excellent on a large screen such as the one on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. There is a clear improvement in usability if you have an android phone; linking your tablet and phone, especially for improved wi fi usage, is obvious. Logically, if you have an iPhone, get and iPad2, if you have an Android phone, get an Android tablet, it is very easy to tether most Android phones to the Galaxy Tab10.1. Battery life on the Galaxy Tab is good, around 10 hours of continual surfing. The screen resolution and compatibility with TV screen set ups make for a very good viewing experience. Audio is good enough to listen without headphones and excellent with headphones.

What Customers say

The main debate is over the availability of applications for Android tablets. Also, there is still some reticence regarding the Honeycomb 3.0 operating system. Updates are continually coming onto the market and most users are very aware now of improvements in the pipeline. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is rated highly for is stylish design, light weight and incredible thinness, it is very easy to carry around. It is not an iPad2 with all the status of iPad ownership, but it is a very classy looking piece of equipment. Thumbs down is due to the lack of USB port and SD card slot, this reduces the Samsung’s connectivity, and other Android tablets are better equipped. Another criticism of this tablet and Android tabs in general is the poor functionality with email, restricted to Gmail and unable to handle multiple email accounts from different providers. Music compatibility is not as wide ranging as it could be, and the “waiting for improvements” regarding increased applications is not the best approach to customer satisfaction!

Overall verdict

Classier, lighter more stylish tablet than other Android tablets, but lacks some connectivity.